Joakim Svensson – Did you ever know?

Prized Possession Wile E Coyote Mug Joakim Svensson

Once upon a time I used to work for a recording studio. Ha! Before you ask no, it’s really not as glamorous as it may sound but it was bloody good fun. Best job I ever had and I really do miss the people I worked with. There’s one in particular though that I’ve never been able to forget ❤

His name is Joakim Svensson. On this occasion I will use a real name in the hope that by some sort of ‘magical fate’ he happens to stumble upon this post and it all ends happily ever after…

So here it is. To the very moment you read this, I’ll still be completely in love with Joakim Svensson, years after we parted ways. I never got the chance to tell him how I felt so I’m just going to let it out here where no one knows who I am. I can only assume since I never heard from him again that the feeling wasn’t mutual but I do wish I knew that for sure. He was a very private & respectful person so maybe he’s left me alone thinking that’s what I want when he couldn’t be more wrong. He also doesn’t use computers and I’ve no way of contacting him so the likelihood I will ever know is next to none 😦

Now, I’m not your typical romantic, hearts & flowers kind of girl. He once bought me a Wile E Coyote mug (even though I love Tasmanian Devil) but that mug was like a prized possession to me, until the day my mum smashed it to bits. Yes I was heart-broken and yes, I cried.

He would text me randomly almost every day and his gentle, kind loveliness was so attractive and addictive, I’ve craved it ever since.

The day I let him walk away has haunted me forever. Why I didn’t stay in touch I’ll never know. It took us so long to get together and in only a single love-filled heartbeat, he was gone. I’d started a new job (which I hated) and his band had just split and he was thinking of going home to Sweden so there was a lot going on.

I am a realist though and know that in reality, I’ll post this and that will be that. It’ll sit here tucked away in virtual nowhere land and his beautiful, Scandinavian eyes won’t ever read a single word.